Lost Between Timelines: A Soul Out of Place in a World That Feels Foreign

Do you ever feel like you’re in the wrong dimension like you somehow ended up on the wrong timeline of your life? I feel this daily, like I’m not surrounded by my kind like I just can’t adjust to this society, nor do I want to.

Don’t get me wrong, I have a few people in my life who understand me, at least to some extent. But I don’t think anyone truly, fully sees me or appreciates what I bring to the table. Even as I type this, I wonder if I sound egotistical, which is the last thing I want to be. It’s not that I think I’m better than anyone, just different, and often unseen.

We live in a world driven by greed, where people ask, What can this person do for me? instead of What can I do to make this world better? That’s what I struggle with the most. I don’t have much, but what I do have is heart, compassion, and empathy. I’m loyal to a fault, often sacrificing my own happiness for the sake of others. In a strange way, bringing happiness to others does make me happy, even if I’m miserable while doing it.

Sometimes I don’t even understand myself, so I don’t know why I expect anyone else to.

This post isn’t filled with deep wisdom or grand insights. It’s simply a reflection—one that maybe you can relate to. And if you do, I hope it makes you feel less alone and more seen.

A Society Built on Illusions

I struggle with finding the importance of money. Sure, it buys nice things, but those things eventually get old and need replacing. It allows you to travel and see the world, but why does money even exist in the first place? Why are a handful of people in charge of determining its value?

Why is exploring the world, expanding our minds, and learning firsthand about the beauty of existence so out of reach for those who don’t have enough of a piece of paper that someone else decided has value?

I believe in the spiritual world. I believe in past lives and soul purposes. I’ve looked into mine, and money has always been something I’ve struggled with. I don’t see myself learning my lesson about it in this lifetime either.

I just wish we lived in a world that valued giving—where knowledge and experiences were shared freely instead of bought and sold.

A Soul That Doesn’t Fit the Mold

Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like I wasn’t built for this version of society. My soul aches for something deeper, something more meaningful than chasing numbers in a bank account or checking off society’s list of expectations. I long for a world where people genuinely connect, and where relationships are built on authenticity, not convenience. A world where we support one another because we want to, not because there’s something in it for us.

I wonder if I’m here to challenge the system, to help shift consciousness in some way. Maybe that’s why I’ve struggled so much because the path I’m on is meant to break cycles, not conform to them. It’s exhausting, but I believe there’s something bigger at play.

I often feel like I’m walking through life trying to balance my human experience with my spiritual knowing. Like I see beyond what we’re told to believe, but I’m still stuck in the system that forces us to play along. I work to raise my vibration, to tap into my gifts, to listen to the deeper wisdom within me, but the noise of the world makes it so hard to stay in tune.

I wonder if anyone else feels this way, like a traveler from another world, just waiting to find their true home.

If This Resonates With You…

If any of this resonates with you, then maybe, just maybe, we are part of the same soul tribe, wandering souls trying to find our place in a world that often feels foreign. Maybe we are meant to connect, to remind each other that we aren’t as alone as we feel.

So if you’ve ever felt unseen, if you’ve ever questioned why things are the way they are, or if you’ve ever struggled to make peace with this world while knowing deep down there’s something more… I see you…. I feel you!

And maybe, just maybe, that means we aren’t lost at all. Maybe we’re just waiting to wake up to where we truly belong.




The Unmeasurable Value of me